Defeating TRICARE and the military medical system
When you hear about military and their health system you probably think bank right? I mean come on you get free (not really free) health care and our own hospitals right? Wrong. First we do pay for it whether you chose Prime, Standard, or are in the retiree system it is still coming out of your paycheck. So not free. Next its not all that it seems to be. For me I learned how to navigate the system because of my youngest. Dean was born in Germany and was found to have a ASD, VSD, and PFO his first year of life he was on medication and they closed. Unfortunately he developed epilepsy and was transferred to Texas for continued health care. While in Texas he had a seizure and suffered cardiac arrest. He was without oxygen for 20+ mins. It was later found out that he aspirated. He suffered what is known as a HIE. He is trached, vent and Gtube dependent but is such a rock star!
Through out all of this I had to fight so many battles that I thought you normally wouldn't have to fight, I mean come on its a childs healthcare right? We are military they should just give it to us right? WRONG, so very wrong. Remember when I told you that case managers will be your best friend? yeah this is where the case manager comes in. You have to literally fight with Drs, insurance, pharmacy and medical supplies companies. Nothing comes free, which you know even for regular civilians nothing comes free both money and headache wise. I am going to help you navigate through the military healthcare and show you how to get the most out of your time and experience.
- First Drs, doctors are everything to medical families. Get familiar with their nurses, get comfortable and if by chance you don't like them or their practices or they try to push something on you that you don't want to try. Switch. You are allowed to switch. If by chance you come across a medical facility that doesn't have more than 1 of those special Drs then file a claim with your TRICARE case manager and tell them your reason. Granit it cant be oh I don't like that they are cute, or they talk to much. It needs to be hey they are not listening and I feel like it is putting my child in danger.
- Hospitals. Now dean has been seen in both military and civilian hospitals. Why and How? Dean was apart of a very bad situation where the military surgeon botched his surgery and got him very very sick. We filed a claim against here and the medical review board was placed on her file. Tricare got involved and Dean was no longer allowed to get surgery at the old hospital. There has also been times where Dean was very sick with multiple blood infections and blood clots and the hospital did not have the drs to treat him properly. So off they sent him.
- Tricare. Never be afraid to switch case managers. If you have one that you feel like it isn't working for you and doesn't have your best interest in mind, ask to switch. You are never in thr wrong to ask for someone else to take over your case.
- Paperwork. Always keep your paperwork. No matter what it is. You may need it you may need to go back and claim something
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