Organizing ideas!

Schedules! I live by planners and schedules and somewhat of organizations. I am by no means the most organized person in the world, I have just learned that having some order to this crazy life I am living to be better in the long run. I figured I would give you a preview into how I organize my life. In the last post I showed you Deans schedule well one of them, now let me show you what I use for my everyday planner. is my go to place, she has some of the best HANDMADE and I mean great quality planners. I got my most recent one from her she has extras you can use to help make your organization a little easier! I suggest the year long planner ( for me a go big so I can actually see what im writing and have more room to write more than just 1 thing) I also like to add the make a plan bundle or snap in notes! It has helped with differentiate whose appointments are whose. Each child and husband, has their own color coordinated sticker and I just write the time and in Deans case which specialist it is and that it! Viola! Easy peasy!  

Moving on to other organizing ideas (especially for us medical moms); SHELVES. I know I know your like shelves? That’s the big organizing trick. Well yes it is! I always get the ones that you can insert the totes into. I then label them with either I sticker or labeler and that’s it. Dean in total has about 4 shelving units throughout the house! Its a lot to take in sometimes, but with medical equipment arriving every month you need to have some sort of organization or you will lose your entire house boxes and stuff will be all over the place.

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This post is in no way sponsored. These are just a few of my favorite organizing ideas!


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